

I try not to drink too much water. Just to prevent the need to use the toilet. Why?
Because my classroom is located at the highest floor. And the stairs are small.

Our school had gotong-royong today. Hm...fetching water from the tap near the guard house? Imagine that.

3 days of activities...I'm quite tired right now but my body is resisting sleep. LOL.

Orientation for form 6 started on Thursday, after school. From 2pm to 5pm. All indoors. Played a few games. Given group for the next day.

Orientation continued the next day. From 8am to 5pm. Indoors during the morning session and outdoor during the afternoon session.

To sum it up. Orientation was awesome. Especially the outdoor session. Running around, water and mud. Thanks to the heavy rain before. I had fun. Exhausted but it was worth it.

So for the first week, we only have Sunday to rest.

My limbs are aching.

I sense some changes already. Hopefully there's more to come.


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